We currently have one opening in Minnetonka. Male or Female and Private rooms. Call 952-443-6113 for details.

Gianna Homes Caregiver Support Group

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Gianna Homes Caregiver Support Group

4th Wednesday of every month
Beginning session April 22, 2020

“A support group for anyone who is caring for a loved one with Memory Loss”
Facilitated by Linnea Jackson, RN

Gianna Homes Administration Offices
14451 Hwy 7, Suite 223
Minnetonka, MN

The first meeting will be a share your story discussion followed by a set schedule with speakers

10:00am – 11:00 am (refreshments will be served)

For more information contact Linnea at 952-443-6103 or Linnea@giannahomes.org

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Sursum Corda

4605 Fairhills Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Phone: 952-988-0953
Admissions: 952-443-6113
Fax: 952-988-6935

Gladys’ Place

10210 28th Avenue North
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: 952-988-0953
Admissions: 952-443-6113
Fax: 763-710-4856

Administrative Office

14451 Highway 7, Suite 223
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Phone: 952-988-0953
Admissions: 952-443-6113
Fax: 952-303-3835

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