Raindrops keep falling…
Raindrops keep falling on my head!!!... and we need Gutters and Downspouts for our residence here in Minnetonka. If you look at the attached photos you can see that we really need to raise some moneys to help with the [...]
Raindrops keep falling on my head!!!... and we need Gutters and Downspouts for our residence here in Minnetonka. If you look at the attached photos you can see that we really need to raise some moneys to help with the [...]
Lenny was born in Hibbing, Minnesota, and to this day, he is proud to be a "ranger". He loves the wonderful ethnic food of the range, including porketta, pasties and sarmas. His claim to fame from his days on "da [...]
Whether it is coming from a volunteer’s nimble fingers at the piano, Claire’s guitar, or through our iPod speakers, music often fills the rooms of Gianna Homes. In addition to the smiles and entertainment a musician can bring to our [...]