There is no one-size-fits-all way to provide meaningful, supportive care to those with dementia. Implementing a whole-person approach to dementia care is critical to improving overall outcomes, and holistic methods have links to higher quality of life. One technique, skilled massage therapy, can promote peacefulness, reduce anxiety and decrease agitation. Although residents may not recall the therapeutic touch, they continue to experience the benefits of massage therapy’s human interaction—a reduction in isolation and loneliness. Instead, they feel grounded, comforted, and safe

How Massage Helps Individuals with Dementia

A small number of studies have shown that gentle massages of the hands or feet decrease cortisol levels. Known as the “stress hormone”, sustained high levels of cortisol can weaken the immune system, disrupt sleep quality and impact a person’s ability to relax. As cortisol is reduced, the body enters a much-needed relaxed state, providing a sense of calmness and well-being.

Additionally, massage has been demonstrated to increase serotonin levels. This neurochemical is critical to regulating mood. By enhancing serotonin production, massage increases feelings of calm, reduces anxiety and creates a general sense of happiness.

Overcoming Resistance to Massage Therapy

A subset of the population may be reluctant to participate in massage therapy. This is not necessarily dementia-specific and often has more to do with personal boundaries. However, given the practice’s physical and emotional benefits, providing options often makes the idea of massage more inviting. For example, many people who avoid other forms of prolonged touch happily agree to a ten-minute foot massage.

Although this may not seem significant, even a short foot massage offers the same benefits as a hand or back massage, promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and enhancing well-being.

Massage Therapy at Gianna Homes

Gianna Homes offers skilled and compassionate massage therapists to promote overall wellness for our community’s residents. Contact us to learn more about our senior memory care homes and our individualized programs for resident care.