Caring for another person is a huge job any way you look at it. Whether it is a loved one, a job or a generous gesture to help another person, caregiving requires a special skill set. Patience, kindness, generosity and other virtues are paramount in order to do the job well. In the midst of all this giving of one’s self, it is easy and almost inevitable for you to become depleted, and that can be disastrous.

A Day of Appreciation

March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. If you know a caregiver, think of something nice to do for that person. If you are a caregiver, take the time to do something nice for yourself. Balance in life is important. Make sure you are making the right choices to keep balance in yours.

Caregiver-Life Balance

One of the most difficult things to do when caring for another person is to take the time and effort to also take care of yourself. In fact, one reason people end up going to nursing homes is because caregivers get sick or pass away. Creating a caregiver-life balance in your life can be challenging. The most challenging part is giving yourself permission to take time off.

There are a variety of things you can do to give yourself a break. Whether it is just a few minutes or a few days, taking time for yourself when you need it is vital to your health and well-being. Not only does this include time for you to take breaks from your duties as caretaker, but it also means making sure you are getting your needs met. 

You may be surprised at the things caregivers forget to do for themselves. For example, you may prepare a nutritious lunch or dinner for your loved one then snack on junk food or forget to eat yourself. You may make sure your loved one gets to every doctor appointment and skip your own annual physical. 

Flight attendants tell passengers to make sure they put their own oxygen masks on first, before helping others. In the same way, caregivers must remember to take care of themselves so they can stay healthy to do the work they need to do.

Gianna Homes is a place you can count on to provide warm, compassionate care for your loved ones. We also provide resources for families who need a little extra help caring for someone at home. Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your family.